High and Low Throwerdice are also known as three-way tops dice. TheHigh Throweralways throws a high number because it only has 4s, 5s and 6s on it. The duplicated numbers are on opposite sides to each other, and since only 3 sides of a cube can be seen at any one time, the die will appear normal whichever angle it is viewed from. TheLow Throweris the opposite of theHigh Thrower. This one always throws a low number because it only has 1s, 2s and 3s on it. TheHigh Throwerwill always beat theLow Thrower. Its not difficult to work out why, but you will be amazed how seldom the deception is spotted. Most dodgy dice combinations have an element of probability, but this pair guarantees 100% success.
Size :16mm (5/8inch)
Shape :rounded edges and corners
Colour :white with black spots.
Materials :injection-moulded plastic.
Other features :The blank dice are made in England from injection-moulded plastic. I use a precision jig system to machine the pip indents into exact position then colour them with a mica infused acrylic paint which is extremely hard-wearing.
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