Built from the ground up with the close-up worker in mind, Gravity ITR is more than a reel: it’s a tool for your imagination.
Thisutility and design patent-pending ITRwas designed from the ground-up by Joao Miranda and his extraordinary team in Portugal, with the consulting of the IT expert Tom Wright who performs invisible thread magic for over 15 years in real world situations.
This are some of themain featuresof the Gravity ITR:
–Double motor systemthat allows the performer to have a giantHOOPof IT anytime, allowing for true miracles to be performed. If you prefer to use a single thread instead of the hoop system, the fact that you have aSECOND threadready to use is reassuring!(With exclusive permission from Surya Kumar and James George).
–Program saving and play: you can record and saveUP to 3 different programsso that you allow the Gravity ITR to do all the work for you! With a push of a button the motors reproduce every single movement you recorded.
Combining the recording and play with the HOOP system you can create amazing and unique effects: imagine for example making a water bottle fall at your command and then have thethread automatically retract to your pocket!
Youstart and end clean, every time, with absolutely nothing to find out.
–Vibration feedback recording: besides programming the tension and movement of the motors you can also program the vibrations, so that you cancue yourselfin any part of your routine!
For example, let’s say you wish to make a bill levitate and jump in a glass and at the end of the routine you wish to make it fly automatically to your waiting hand. Thanks to the vibration recording you can buzz yourself at any time: for example, when the bill starts to jump in the glass, and another vibration when it flies to your hand, so this way you can concentrate on your presentation.
The vibration feedback isCRUCIALfor any pre-recorded performance becauseYOU knowwhenYOUR actionswill happen right before they happen.
–Adjustable Speed control: you can decide the speed of each motor individually.
The beauty of the Gravity ITR controller is that it has a SCALE from 1 (ITR constant pulling mode) to 8 (maximum speed). That way you always know which speed work the best for your routines, so you are not blindly applying more speed than what you really need.
–Fast and easy thread refill: with Joao unique method in case of a thread breakage refilling a spool takes under a minute, andno difficult to do knotsare used in the process.
– The Gravity ITR hastwo built-in magnetsso you can attach it anywhere. Also, thanks to its small size it fits inside a small leather wallet or any card case, so it’s hidden in plain sight and not attached to the performer. This allows for total freedom (and new effects).
–90% less breakagethan the traditional ITR thanks to the way the reel is designed.
–Internal Memory Module: you can record and play up to 3 different programs, so that you don’t need erase one program each time you wish to perform a different routine. Also, once you save them you canleave the remote at homesince the reel has an internal memory. This means that you can play any program by simply pushing a button in the side of the reel.
–VIR technology: if you have other creations from Joo Miranda you know how important this feature is for the working professional.
VIR stands for “Vibrations in Remote” which means that your gravity controllerANDreelvibrateonce you start a program, when a program finishes playing, or even when you pushANYbutton during a recording. This way youKNOWthat the buttons were in fact pressed and the action accomplished.
–Rechargeable batteries: Both the controller and Reel have internal batteries that last for dozens of performances before they need to be charged again. There is a “Low Battery” indicatorin both the controller and Reel, so you always know when it’s time to charge.
Besides the above features Joao Miranda joined forces with the IT genius Tom Wright who will teach youeasy, intermediate and advanced effectswith the Gravity ITR so you start slowly and progress at your own rhythm, until you become the next IT master.
You will learn effects with cards, notes, corks, glasses, pencils, rings, rubber bands, a bell, and more.
Each effect is explained withred woolso you can follow each step very clearly, and then Tom explains everything again withreal ITso you don’t miss anything.
You will learnover 20 EFFECTS AND TIPSin4+ HOURSof detailed instruction.
Your Gravity ITR package includes aunique warranty CODEthat you can use to email Tom Wright, so that you can make any questions regarding the routines, just in case you have any doubt.
Having direct email access to the IT Master Tom Wright is a huge plus that we decided to include to all Gravity ITR owners.
With Gravity ITR you get:
1. Dual Motor ITR + Remote control
2. 49 FT (15 meters) of pre-stripped Gravity Thread, to get you started.
3. Two empty white spools (+ two for FREE, so in reality you get FOUR spools).
4. Spooling KIT, so that you fill your spools with thread easily, under a minute.
5. Gravity Tack sample
6. USB charging connector
7. Warranty code (that also gives you access to Tom Wright personal e-mail so you can ask questions if you need help with your routines).
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