ESP cards were developed and introduced by Dr. J. B. Rhine of Duke University for the purpose of testing for Extrasensory Perception. They consist of five basic symbols: Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines, Square, and Star. It is very easy to remember these symbols by using a quick and easy numbering system. A circle isonecontinuous line. A cross istwolines. There arethreewavy lines in the third symbol. A square hasfourlines. The star used hasfivepoints. This deck consists of twenty-five cards, five cards of each design. There are many effects that can be performed with this deck of cards. For example:
ESP Surprise
Here is a simple, yet amazing effect that is direct and to the point. You and a spectator each choose a card in the fairest possible manner. When the two cards are revealed. They match. Proving to the audience that, yes, you do have ESP.
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