
Any Card to Any Spectator’s Wallet COMBO PACK! – BLACK & WHITE (DVD and Gimmicks) By Jeff Kaylor and Michael Ammar – DVD

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $30.00.

SKU: J241378550 Category:


The Ultimate Card Control Utility

The U.C.C.U. allows you to control one or multiple cards while the spectator shuffles the deck. The cards can be produced from the deck, or found in virtually any impossible location, such as the spectators wallet.

Take Note…

  • Any Spectators Wallet
  • Any Signed Card
  • Any Deck
  • No Stooges
  • No Palming
  • No Magnets
  • No Trick Cards
  • No Pulls
  • No Special Wallets.

INSTANTLY REPEATABLE. To truly understand the power of the Ultimate Card Control Utility, let’s look at a couple different scenarios and how you can benefit from this incredible utility device.

1. Multiple spectator’s pick cards. The cards are put back into the deck, and the spectator shuffles the deck. Without palming or difficult sleights, you are able to maintain complete control over their cards even though the deck is in their hands. When the deck is handed back to you, you can continue with your trick. The deck can even be borrowed – this will have no effect on the card control.

2. You want to force a card, but you are dealing with skeptics, so you hand the deck out to be shuffled first. When you take the deck back you are immediately ready to force the card.

3. You are performing strolling/walk around magic and are using gaffed cards or duplicates. The UCCU will allow you to store those cards and bring them in and out of play, invisibly, without taking up pocket space

4. You are left with a duplicate in your deck and the spectator wants to “examine” the deck to make sure it is normal. You are easily, and in front of the spectator eyes- able to clean the deck up to be examined, without palming. Then, just as easily, you are able to bring that card back into play.

5. An envelope is displayed on the table. Three spectator’s signs playing cards, and put them back into the deck. The deck is handed to the spectator. The deck is waved over the envelope. With your hands shown empty, the card is cleanly produced from the envelope. Then your wallet is taken out and waved over the deck – You cleanly reach into your wallet and pull the second selection out of your wallet. The final spectator holds the deck with one hand and reaches into their pocket with their other hand to grab their wallet. You take their wallet with empty hands, cleanly reach into their wallet and produce the card once again!


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