After 3 years of development, the mind that brought you WINNERS DICE is proud to presentPSI-POWER, the revolutionary remote-control system.
Imagine having the ability to control objects from over 15 feet away!PSI-POWERis a revolutionary gimmick that you can take with you anywhere and seemingly create true miracles at a moment’s notice. You don’t have to be anywhere near the objects when they animate.
With the power of PSI-POWER, you can:
- Make objects fall over on the other side of the room!
- Cause a glass or can to slide across a table or spin on command!
- Turn the pages of a book!
- Make items jump at will!
- Perform a long-distance card rise!
- And much, much more…
You will be able to perform hundreds of effects from over 15 feet away!
PSI-POWERis a revolutionary remote-control system produced by Secret Factory and uses no assistants! Use borrowed objects and have them animate in real time. Everything is under your control.
PSI-POWERis very small in size — you can carry it with you anywhere and use it at any time. It also has an auto-clean up feature. When the effect is completed, the system will clean up automatically.
The set-up ofPSI-POWERjust takes less than 5 seconds and is super easy to use and learn.
WithPSI-POWER, you can create super power miracles never like before…
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