A number of ordinary cards are shown, along with a matching number of envelopes. Everything can be minutely examined by all. The cards are placed in the envelopes so they stick out about an inch. The performer instructs a spectator to select any card, take it out, turn it over, and place it all the way back into its envelope. The spectator is told not to touch the other cards, but instead simply pick up each envelope and gently squeeze the sides so the card drops down into the envelope. Once all the cards are all the way in their envelopes, the envelopes are stacked and shuffled by the spectator, who now doesn’t even know whichone contains the selected card. All of the above actions take place while the performer’s back is turned. Facing the spectators, the performer takes the stack of envelopes and deals them into a row on the table. The climax can be presented a number of ways: Explain that you have developed the ability to sense people’s psychic energy. Move your open hand over the cards, about an inch or two above them, pretending to get a “reading” from the cards. Slowly slide the correct envelope out and ask the spectator to name the selected card. Remove the card to show you were correct. Replace the card, turning it over in the process so you are set to repeat. Another way to present the climax is to have the spectator locate the envelope using the “magician’s choice” or a gimmicked die or other item that will force the necessary number.
This trick contains:
- 5 ESP cards
- 5 envelopes
- Instructions
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