The Dead Mans Hand is a legendary piece of folklore that immediately strikes a chord with people. Billy ‘The Kid’ is a name synonymous with the Wild West and probably the most famous name from that era. Combine the two together and you have the recipe for great story telling…and more importantly…great magic.
The Dead Mans Hand by Mark Bennett and Matthew Wright is a masterpiece in both magic and storytelling. The props are a thing of beauty and the routine backing up the magic is enticing, fascinating and entertaining.
This set comes with a small drawstring US Marshal bag. Inside the bag is the Billy “The Kid” bounty coin plus THREE different reveal coins allowing you to perform the effect multiple times with a different result each time. You also get full access to the complete Dead Mans Hand Tutorial which includes multiple routines from both Mark Bennett and Matthew Wright where you learn more about the history of the story of the Dead Mans Hand and the life of Billy “the Kid” which you can use to weave your own magical Wild West yarn. Included in the tutorial are routines suited to all skill levels from someone starting their first day as a fledgling magician through to more advanced routines for the well initiated. There are effects included for magicians, gamblers and mentalists plus Matthews full 12-minute routine encompassing everything taught in the tutorial.
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